cool quotes - new

“The only church that illuminates is a burning church.” Buenaventura Durruti

Thursday, 18 September 2008

gordon freeman multiple iterations in our space-time frame?

"You understand what I'm offering here. I'm offering through our technological achievements the security we need to enter into a real discussion" of nuclear disarmament. -- Joseph Martz, weapons designer at the Los Alamos National Laboratory. Photo by Amiran White, special to the Chronicle

the cascade resonance collapse at black mesa might have caused the emergence of multiple iterations of our hero in this space-time frame
the evidence suggests that they may have a joint agenda requiring coordinated actions across multiple high-tech locations
the public must be informed
i beg all informed readers to to spread the word!
be alert!
please communicate any further sightings to this site
more info here

Tuesday, 16 September 2008

who is gordon freeman - what is his agenda?

The mystery deepens - is our famous game hero really traveling through time, manipulating our technological development? See previous post.


Saturday, 13 September 2008

geoffrey pyke is gordon freeman!!!!!

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

External images
Geoffrey Pyke
Geoffrey Nathaniel Pyke (9 November 189322 February 1948) was an English journalist; a spy and spy master; an educationalist and later an inventor whose clever, but unorthodox, ideas could be difficult to implement. In lifestyle and appearance, he fitted the common stereotype of a scientist-engineer-inventor or in British slang, a "boffin". Pyke is particularly known for his innovative proposals for weapons of war, most especially the material pykrete and the proposed construction of the ship Habakkuk from it.